More Kids, More Often

Just a generation ago, the vast majority of kids that lived within a mile of their school walked or bicycled to get there. Today, that number is around 15%, and the childhood obesity rate and air quality issues tell the story. Join us as we encourage a new generation to embrace alternative forms of transportation that will improve the health and well being of everyone!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fullerton Fair

What a blast we had at Fullerton Magnet Elementary last night! Fullerton is a very big school, so when they do something, they do it big. The event last night was the Science Fair/Health and Wellness Fair/Waffle Man dinner. We trotted out the Bike Blender for it's first full scale maneuver. Sure, we'd tested it at the bike shop and for a small group at Saddlebrook Elementary, but this was a scale unlike we have tried before!!

Major thanks to the 156th/West Maple Hy-Vee store who generously donated the smoothie ingredients. Store Dietitian Amanda came through with a great recipe for us, and was on hand last night to hand them out to families as smoothies were blended and sampled.

Talk about "trial by fire" - last night was the first official event outing for our new and fabulous intern, Kassi. She jumped right in and did a great job!

Along with strawberry/banana smoothies, and Walk to School zipper pulls, we also had the Fullerton walking distance map on display so that kids and parents could find their house and estimate the time it would take to walk to school. This school is located right in the middle of a large subdivison with great sidewalk connections, so there is a lot of potential.

Thanks, Falcons!!

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