More Kids, More Often

Just a generation ago, the vast majority of kids that lived within a mile of their school walked or bicycled to get there. Today, that number is around 15%, and the childhood obesity rate and air quality issues tell the story. Join us as we encourage a new generation to embrace alternative forms of transportation that will improve the health and well being of everyone!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Time to Gear Up!!

And YES, the pun is intended!!

It is very hard to believe, but the school year is nearly upon us. Back to School Nights have been planned, PTA's are announcing their first meetings, and parents are working on their morning routine plans to make sure everyone gets where they need to be at the time they need to be there.

Let's make sure that everyone thinks about adding walking and biking to school as part of the regular routine!!

If your school had a weekly walk/bike day going last spring, get it going as soon as possible while the weather is good. If you would like more information on how to get a Walk 'n Roll program going at your school, please contact us - we'd love to help! jharris(at)activateomaha(dot)org.
Much more info to come here, so spread the word about our blog and we'll be in touch soon!